
We definitely need to have all sorts of input from DSC members for this web site to work. Submissions to the DSC web site can take many forms, including:

  • Information on Upcoming Committee Events
  • Pictures of Club Parties, Leagues and Event Shoots.
  • League Information and Results
  • Ideas for web pages

If you have any info (text, pictures, posters, flyers, scores, etc) that can be used on the web site, please supply them to your committee chairperson. Remember that DSC has specific rules governing web site content, so all submissions must meet Club standards. We can accommodate material that can’t be emailed; picture hard copies can be scanned and returned. Text, flyers and posters can also be scanned; just drop them off at the DSC office.

Another way to help is to let us know when something is not working. Certain things like broken links, missing graphics or loading problems can mean the death of a web site. Please send any comments that you may have to [email protected].

Email Groups

The DSC has the following committee email groups to facilitate communication between DSC members. These groups are for members only. If you would like to be added or removed from a group please see the form below.

You do NOT have to have a Gmail email account in order to sign up for Google Groups. You may use whatever your email address is that you currently use. Example: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]

Supply your information in the form below and select Submit.

From time to time we all switch email addresses. If you change your email address, it is highly recommended that you inform the office of this update just as you would your residence address. We match the office list to all the current members of the groups. If the office list is not update you may be deleted from all the groups you have signed up for.

Rules and Guidelines for the use of the DSC Google Groups

We have established email groups for the following committees.

Archery[email protected]
Black Powder[email protected]
Cowboy Action[email protected]
DSC (DSC General Information)
everyone added to a committee list is also added to this list.
[email protected]
(NRA and Hunter Education Instructors)
[email protected]
Juniors[email protected]
Life Members[email protected]
Pistol[email protected]
Oxford Camping[email protected]
Rifle[email protected]
Safety[email protected]
Shotgun[email protected]
Women of AIM[email protected]

Join a DSC Google Group

Complete the Access Request form

The Detroit Sportsmen's Congress (DSC) was founded in Detroit Michigan in 1936 for the purpose of promoting better hunting and fishing within the state.