DSC Junior Shotgun Program
Congratulations to our SCTP Junior Shotgun team
The DSC Junior Shotgun program is an introduction to the sport of clay target shooting. Gun safety is the highest priority of the Junior Shotgun program. Athlete training begins with learning to handle a shotgun in a safe and responsible manner. Using a team based, competitive, controlled environment that is focused on youth development, the adult coaching staff helps the junior shotgun athletes reach their highest potential. Team coaches hold certifications in NRA Shotgun, are trained Range Safety Officers and are active participants in the shotgun sports. The goal of the program is to provide the student athlete a supportive environment where shooting sports serve as a catalyst for teaching life lessons and skills that emphasize positive character traits and citizenship values. The DSC Junior Shotgun team introduces athletes to a sport that can be enjoyed for a lifetime, one that offers a level playing field and one that offers all family members an opportunity to enjoy together.

The DSC Junior Shotgun team holds weekly practices shooting skeet, 5-Stand or sporting clays on a posted schedule throughout the year. Shooters meet in the Range Building prior to practice, beginners and advance shooters have separate practice times. The coaching staff offers small group instruction as well as one-on-one coaching for the junior athletes. New athletes have access to DSC club junior shotguns, available for practices only, so there is no need to have their own gun. Junior Shotgun team members are required to be at least a junior member of DSC.

The team is affiliated with the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) a national organization with over 18,500 athletes and coaches from nearly every state. Athletes compete based on their current grade in school and experience starting as young as 5th grade and can continue through college. Scholarships are awarded annually to deserving high school seniors through Michigan SCTP. Scholarships are also available from other clay target organizations, universities and colleges for clay target shooters. SCTP is the official feeder program to USA Shooting and a path to the U.S. Olympic Shooting Team.

Our athletes participate in fun shoots at DSC and other local clubs. As an SCTP affiliated team the DSC Junior Shotgun team competes in the SCTP Southeast Michigan Conference Shoot at DSC, Michigan SCTP State Shoot and SCTP National Shoot held in Ohio.
Come out and learn how much fun it is to break clays targets at DSC.
For questions contact Head Coach Rick Stanfield at [email protected]