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DSC Board Opening

The DSC Board has a vacancy of two DSC Director positions. Each of these DSC Director positions are for one-year terms ending in December 2025. To have a full Board seated at the February 2025 DSC Board of Directors meeting, I am taking names of interested candidates, publishing the vacancy in the January P & K, posting the vacancies on the DSC website, and will announce the openings at the February DSC General Membership meeting. The DSC Board, as their first business
item at the February 2025 meeting, will consider all applicants.
If you are interested in serving as a DSC Director for a one year term, please submit a letter or an email to the DSC office ([email protected])  indicating your desire to be considered for the open Director’s positions by Friday, February 14, 2025.
All qualified candidates will be notified by email to appear at the February 24, 2025, DSC Board meeting. Each candidate will be allowed 3 minutes to address the Board regarding their qualifications and desire to be a DSC Director. At the conclusion of the candidate presentations, the Board will elect the new Directors. The new
Directors will be sworn in and immediately be part of the DSC Board. 
Please consider applying for this important position within DSC.
J. Lupi
DSC Board Chairperson

The Detroit Sportsmen's Congress (DSC) was founded in Detroit Michigan in 1936 for the purpose of promoting better hunting and fishing within the state.